UA Miniresidenssit on UrbanApan uusi konsepti, jonka tarkoituksena on mahdollistaa ja tukea taiteilijoiden ja taiteen tekijöiden työskentelyä pehmeällä, kevyellä ja yhteisöllisellä tavalla. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa miniresidenssejä pilotoidaan, mutta pidempiaikainen haave on tarjota tiloja laajemminkin taiteen käyttöön, rikastuttaa ruohonjuuritason työskentelyä ja laajentaa taidealan tukirakenteita.
Phan Nguyen, currently based in Helsinki, is a Vietnamese visual artist. Taking on an autodidactic approach to art-making and artistic research, Phan works primarily across photography and filmmaking besides experimenting with other languages. In their practices, Phan seeks to examine the fluidity of memories, queer identity and belonging through home-making, all of which are informed by their lived experience far from home. They are now exploring performance under queer optics as a means of relating and tending to others in the community.
Friday 24th of February
A sharing, a demo, a discussion, an outcome – Phan Nguyen’s residency period for UA Miniresidencies culminates in a public event in Outo olo where the artist shares some of their process and work, titled Maniqueer: Home Reimagined. Free admission!